- Home
- Lab Visit
- Adolescent Sexual Activity Index
- Adult Self- Report for Ages 18-59
- Adult Temperament Questionnaire
- BFIS-LF: Self-Report
- Childhood Symptoms Scale: Self- report for Visit 1
- Current Symptoms Scale - Self Report for Visit 1
- Current status Update Form
- Driving Behavior Survey- Self-Report Form.
- Externalizing Spectrum Inventory-160
- Inventory of Callous-Unemotional Traits (Youth Version)
- Perceived Stress Scale
- Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS)
- Response Styles Questionnaire
- Toronto Empathy Questionnaire
- Morning Daily Log
- Evening Daily Log
- Days 1, 7, 14, 21, 28, 31, & 38
- Final Visit
- Co-Rumination Questionnaire
- Current Symptoms Scale - Daily Self-Report
- Current status Update Form
- Delinquent Peers Questionnaire
- Perceived Stress Scale
- Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS)
- Response Styles Questionnaire
- The Network of Relationships - Relationship Quality Version
- Toronto Empathy Questionnaire
- Screening and Medical History Form
- Second Reporter Form
Driving Behavior Survey- Self-Report Form.
Instructions: For each item below, please select the number next to each item that represents how frequently you believe that you use each driving skill during your typical driving performance.
1 being not at all or rarely; 2 being sometimes, 3 being often and 4 being very often.